The first user that is created in the DeepSurface console is a user that has the role 'Admin', which gives that user complete access to all the dashboards, configuration and settings inside the console.
Subsequent users created in the console can be manually assigned lesser roles so that they can have access to the dashboards and information contained within the console, but not change configuration of the console itself.
Two addition roles available to assign users are the Report Consumer and Report Manager roles. Permissions cover access to Dashboards, Remediation Plans and Tags.
Report Consumer has access to the assets assigned to their user when their account is created. Permissions are 'Owner' or 'Viewer'. An 'Owner' can create new and edit existing dashboards in the area they have 'Owner' permission for. Viewer can read or 'view' all the dashboards in the area they are granted permission to.
Users created via auto provisioning with SAML and no role assigned are assigned the Report Consumer role, with no permissions to view until those permissions are assigned.
Report Manager has access to all of the Dashboards, Tags and Remediation Plans with the ability to create new assets but cannot change any of the configuration elemements of the console.