Sensitive Asset policies are a powerful way to automate sensitive asset tagging in your environment. While it is still possible to manually search for and tag sensitive assets, policies make that process much simpler. DeepSurface comes with 3 default policies already included in the application. These policies are meant to serve as a starting point for creating more detailed and specific policies that better suit the specifics of your environment.
Based on the filters for a specifc policy (which will go over in a moment) the policies interface attempts to create a sentence that explains what the policy is doing in a user-friendly way. The different sections of the policy are color-coded to correspond to the different sections of the filter that form the policy.
The filters for a given policy tell DeepSurface what to look for when attempting to automate sensitive asset tagging. DeepSurface will run the policy initially when it is created, but also any time scans and analysis are run. Therefore, any newly discovered hosts and assets are automatically tagged if they fit into a policy.
Because of the nature of sensitive asset policies, it is possible that policies can overlap or even contradict each other. Therefor it is possible to set the policy priority order by dragging and dropping the policies within the list. The policies at the top of the list will take precedence over the policies at the bottom of the list.