Several of the risk insight reports share a lot of the same layout, visuals, and elements. The will be differences from one type to the next, but the following examples will give you an overview of some of the more common repeated elements.
Clicking on the name of any of the records in the main visual or table for the Hosts/Patches/Vulnerabilities/Users Risk Insight Reports will bring you to a detail page for that given record. The detail page for a record, whether it is a host, patch, vulnerability, or user, will have the same layout. The page consists of 2 panels. The skinnier panel on the left is an informational overview/summary of a given record and the larger panel on the right will consist of anywhere from 1 to 4 tabs with deep-dive information of a given record. Here is an example of a host detail page:
The left summary pain will have different information in it depending on the record type, but in general can be thought of a quick way to see the high level information about a given record.
The summary panel will always show the risk rating and reduction score, any descriptive information, and may contain some additional DeepSurface analysis such as exploit status, CVSS score distribution, and vulnerability instance category breakdowns. The left panel can also be collapsed by clicking the collapse/expand button at the top (4 arrows). It may be beneficial to have the summary panel be collapsed in order to have the main panel on the right take up more of the screen. Here is an example of a collapsed vulnerability summary panel:
The main panel on any detail page will consist of 1-4 tabs, with the "Risk and Remediation" tab opened by default. The possible tabs available could be"
The risk and remediation tab will show all of the risk-based evidence and analysis that DeepSurface has for a given record, followed by remediation instructions and evidence. An attack path visual will usually take up the bulk of the upper section of this tab. The attack path visual allows users to see a detailed step-by-step collection of attack paths that include a given host/patch/vulnerability/user.
The attack path visual can also be interacted with to dive even deeper into the analyis and evidence that DeepSurface has gathered for a given record. An attack path will always consist of of several nodes and segments. Attack paths will always move from left to right, begin with a hypothetical attacker from the outside world, and end with a sensitive asset in your environment. Often one or more attack paths will have overlapping segments, but could split apart or join up again 1 or more times. A node on the attack path represents an asset, user, group, or other element in your environment. The connecting segments represent how an attacker could get from one node to another. The color of a segment corresponds with its severity and a grey dotted segment represents an implicit access or connection. To get more information about a segment or node, simply click and a card will appear. A node card may look something like the following:
The information will vary depending on the type of node clicked. An segment card will usually include a list of all vulnerabilities that make the connection between the nodes possible. Clicking on a given vulnerability in the list will give a brief summary of a vulnerability and any relevant third party vulnerability source information.
Clicking on one of the implicit grey segments will usually contain far less information given the nature of that connection, but sometimes the segment is made possible by a vulnerability and/or configuration setting that DeepSurface has identified as important and that information will be displayed accordingly.
Below the attack path visual is the supporting remediation information for a given record. This will consist of lists of corresponding records that are affected by the record of the detail page that you are on, and buttons to view remediation instructions and add this record to a remediation plan
To view all of the information that DeepSurface has gathered for this record from your configured vulnerability sources, open the "Third Party Status" tab. It will look something like this:
Here you can see a snapshot of all of the most current information DeepSurface has including associated ip addresses, associated identifiers and host names, as well as which of your vulnerability sources have identified this host/patch/vulnerability. You can also view all of the information as DeepSurface sees it from any of your configured vulnerability sources in the lower section. If there are more than one signatures that have reported on this record, use the selector to switch between the different signatures.
Sometimes you may want to dive even deeper into everything that deepsurface has gathered from third party sources for a specific record, all in one place. If that is the case, the "Vulnerability Evidence" tab is where to look. Here you can view all of the evidence for a given host/patch/vulnerability just as DeepSurface received it, before any processing, analysis, and de-duplification has been done.